onsdag 6 oktober 2010

Snooping Bosses

I really became mad when I read this article. It’s sick that bosses in big companies even are allowed to track their employees when they´re not working. That we even have the technology to spy on people by using GPS tracking systems, or supervise their blogs, facebook account and even their e-mail accounts it’s just frightening. My opinion is that outside your work you can do whatever you want. Of course you shouldn’t do anything illegal, but as long as your spare time doesn’t affect your work I think it´s okay. Most off the employees in the article I must say was very stupid. Using your work computer to visit porn sites are not a very good idea. When you’re at work I think it’s okay to have some sort of surveillance. Maybe a program that blocks certain internet pages, but it´s not okay to monitor your staff just to see how long they are on the phone or if they wash their hands after using the toilet that is taking it to far. I think many employees would work better if their bosses trusted them more and didn´t monitor their every move. Then the employees would feel better and also work better.  People need to feel independent even when they´re working.