I thought this video clip was very interesting, it really triggers you to stop for a few minutes and think. I mean when you think about everything Annie Leonard talked about you slowly start to realize how you have been scammed and brainwashed by the big companies. They make you believe that the things you have are old and you can´t keep them anymore. So you throw them out and walk to the store to buy new products, of the latest version of course. Even though the ones you had were perfectly fine. How stupid this may be, you still have to agree that the companies are very smart tricking people into continuously buying new products for such a long time. They have really succeeded to secure their own income.
We can ask ourselves why more people do not do anything about this big problem; it is not like we did not know about it before. We hear about it almost every day. I think that the problem is not that we don´t know how to start to live more eco-friendly. No, the problem is that we are lazy. I mean haven´t you thought at least once “what difference can I make” I know that I have. This is really the main problem, if everyone walks around thinking that they cannot make a difference we wouldn´t get very far would we?
Luckily for us there are people out there who have devoted their whole lives to a more eco-friendly planet and hopefully they are a big inspiration to others.
Luckily for us there are people out there who have devoted their whole lives to a more eco-friendly planet and hopefully they are a big inspiration to others.
Hi Robin!
SvaraRaderaI think you have many interesting comments to the video. Why can’t we use our things when they are usable and throw them away when they are destroyed instead? I believe it can be a status symbol to always have the newest products. What do you think about that?
You wrote about our passivity to act. Many people may have had the thought “what difference can I make”. But if everybody does something I think we can make the situation much better. But I think it is easier to decide to do something than really acting.
/ Sara Söderqvist
I agree, people are lazy. Unless they are forced by law to change their way of living, I am afraid that nothing will happen. If there are two equally good options but one is more accessible, it will not matter if the other is more eco-friendly. Out of laziness, people will take the easy way out. The same thing goes with a cheaper alternative. It all comes down to money … or minimum effort.
SvaraRaderaIt makes me happy that the video apparently has influenced you and perhaps it might be a start for you to be more environmentally friendly. That it would be because we are too lazy to do something about it, I think you are right but I would say that the biggest reason is money. Ordinary people have a lot of money invested in companies around the world that they do not want to see something bad happen with.
Daniel Dahlbom
I agree with you and share your thoughts. I think its very common that ordinary people reason just the way you describe in your blog. I sure know i do from time to time. I dont think it has anything to do with laziness, more the fact that they dont know that they WILL make a difference.